If you read the PR daily article entitled “16 content marketing resolutions for 2016“. Various topics are highlighted and should be recognised and adhered to. The first one entitled “Produce higher quality content” goes without saying, I think many people are becoming tired of poorly written content and if you want your content to stand it, it certainly needs to be of a high standard and will ensure that it is shared over and over again.
The second one is “Use mobile responsive email marketing”, this is certainly going to become more and more important in the year ahead and I am not really sure that we as South Africans are really geared up for this but I guess time will tell.
Number three is “live where your audience lives” – too often we forget about our audience when we are writing content, listen to what their requirements are, what social media platforms they prefer and then write accordingly.
Number four is “Repurpose your stuff” – this basically means write good enough content that it can be used over and over again.
Number five is “leave the corporate speak out of it” – too often content writers write using technical jargon which ends up being way of the head of a lot of readers and is probably boring as well.
Number six is “flex your social media muscle” and this reminds us to keep our readers, followers, fans, etc updated with content so that we keep them interested in what we have to offer.
Number seven is “create internal ambassadors” – this is a great way of marketing the brand and keeping employees interested in the content that is being generated.
Number eight is “stop using content marketing buzz words”, they probably only really have meaning for the content writer and certainly not their audience and the buzz words become overkill.
Number nine is “increase content team collaboration”, this basically means having more brainstorming and creative sessions to get those creative juices flowing.
Number ten is “develop a content strategy”, too often we do not put together a guideline of what marketing efforts need to be considered and then create a strategy and share it to ensure that it does happen.
Number eleven is “mix up your content types and formats”, don’t stick to a tried and tested effort, try different formats, experiment and if one does not work, try another.
Number twelve is “post visual content on social”, 2016 will be the year where visual content with reign supreme so share those awesome visual posts.
Number thirteen is “measure your efforts”, no measurement means you have no idea whether the content that you are writing, sharing etc is having the correct effect, i.e. is it being read and are your audiences engaged?
Number fourteen is “get a content marketing platform”, of course this depends totally on your marketing budget but if you can, do it.
Number fifteen is “integrate your content marketing efforts”, look for stories everywhere, whether it is a PR event, CSI initiative or an employee function, there could be very good content arising from these efforts.
And the last one “contribute to a content marketing culture”, means go spread the word, explain to employees what content marketing is so that everyone is on board to help you write content that will be around for a long time.